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Auto Save

There are several ways to make sure that your addresses are saved

   *     Save always

     If you have changed some addresses using the DFA-Editor, the
     address file is saved as soon as you leave the DFA-Editor -- no
     matter if using Quit or Remove.

   *     Ask

     If the addresses have been changed, a requester pops up as soon as
     you want to leave the DFA-Editor, which asks you if you would like
     to save the addresses.

   *     Remove only

     The changed addresses will only be saved, if the DFA-Editor is
     left using the Remove function (i.e. you quit the complete DFA
     application), but not if you use the Quit function.

     Be careful:

     Please notice that the functions Quit and Remove of the DFA-Editor
     are exactly the same, if you don't have the DFA-Server program
     running at the same time! If there is running only the DFA-Editor
     and you've choosen Remove only for auto save mode, changed
     addresses are not saved, if you select Quit in the DFA-Editor.